When Robyn was a little smaller, say maybe a year or two younger, I found it more difficult to choose places where I can bring her that I know she’ll enjoy. Good thing, Kidzoona was built.
We usually go to Kidzoona Galleria branch or sometimes, Kidzoona Uptown Mall branch. I Find that Kidzoona is the perfect mix of activities and play for little kids and toddlers.
See, Kidzoona has play areas that are suitable for little kids and pretty sure that even bigger kids would enjoy it too. Robyn is now 5 and she still asks to go there. They have a huge ball pit, every kid’s favorite playground.
No kid will say no to a slide. And they have several ones.
For bigger kids, Kidzoona has an inflatable one that’s a little higher and a little “scarier”.
See Ro’s reaction? Haha!
They also have monkey bars to challenge the child. I like how they can practice and make use of their motor skills while enjoying. The hand-eye-feet coordination is needed for this.
That confidence and focus in her eyes!
A lot of the kids really enjoyed the ball pit. Robyn and I have played there multiple times since I go in with her. Parents, I highly suggest you go with your small children, just to make sure they’re okay and they won’t get hurt.
They also have a long inflatable bouncy runway. Robyn loves this as she really likes trampolines.
She gets to practice her forward rolls that she learned during her time at The Little Gym.
If they’re more into role playing, which is my personal favorite- Kidzoona has that too! Unlike other play places where they have either an active play area OR a role playing place; Kidzoona has it all.
I like the role playing zone because Robyn can use her imagination and I can play with her too.
She gets to be whatever and she gets to experience being a fireman, a chef, a florist and so much more.
My giddy girl is enjoying so much!
For other activities, Kidzoona also has the Imagination playground wherein they can build different shapes using the “foam noddles”. I think this probably for bigger kids because it’s a more challenging activity.
Kidzoona also has different toys such as a doll house, toy train etc.
So there’s really something for any age.
Kidzoona also has a mini arcade, which I think was built to recreate Timezone. I think it’s a perfect addition so they’ll be like a one-stop-activity-place.
I personally like the drums. 🙂
For smaller kids, there are different arcade games but Ro loves the air hockey. Maybe because she can actually play with me. Hehe!
Other the ones I’ve mentioned, I also saw that they have a mini library. I didn’t check if there are books or what books they have though. So far, we’ve gone to Kidzoona maybe 5-6 times already. Once for a birthday party. It’s a really fun place that’s easily accessible since they’re inside malls.
These will definitely tire your kids out. I personally really like seeing Robyn play in these types of places because she rarely does so at home. We don’t have much space and we don’t have these equipment.
At Kidzoona, I like that Robyn can use up all her energy by playing using her imagination and simply being an active kid!
- Photos were taken using my phone. Didn’t bring my camera inside.
- Photos are taken at the Robinsons Galleria branch.