Let’s see what are the eco carpet cleaning alternatives:
Regular Deep Cleaning
Carpets attract dust in the air all the time and they are never dust-free, however, with the right approach, the amount of dust can be decreased significantly. Make sure to have your carpets deep steam cleaned at least twice per year. Modern cleaning companies use specialised eco-friendly cleaning equipment, which ensures the best possible result. Another option is to purchase a steam machine and handle this task on your own as often as you wish.
Natural way to self-clean your carpet
You will need ½ cup borax, ½ cup salt and ½ cup vinegar, as well as a steam cleaner. If you don’t have your own you can rent one. Mix the ingredients together and put the mixture away. Bring in the vacuum cleaner and hoover the carpet entirely in all directions. Make sure that all visible grime is out of the carpet. After that apply the natural paste to any heavily polluted areas, let it dry and vacuum it away. Keep in mind, that the drying may take several hours. Fill in the steam machine with hot water and clean the carpet entirely. In case there are some especially soiled areas, add to the hot water 1 cup of vinegar before you start with the cleaning. Once you are ready, let the carpet dry in open air.
Tackle the stains
No matter how cautious you are, there are always going to be spills and other types of polluted areas on the carpets. Tough stains require tough measures. Prepare a mixture from equal parts of vinegar and baking soda, add a small amount of warm water as well. Sprinkle any greasy stains with corn starch, let it set for at least 2 hours and vacuum it out. After that apply the paste to the stain and press with a clean cloth several times until the stain is eliminated.
Get rid of the unpleasant carpet odour
This is another common issue and there is a natural solution for it as well. First vacuum the carpet in order to remove any big participles of dirt, hairs, etc. After that, empty several boxes of baking soda in a big bowl and start sprinkling the carpet, making sure that all areas are covered completely. You better not use any opened boxes of soda because it needs to be fresh in order to absorb the smells. Take a brush and scrub the soda deep in the carpet. Let the soda soak for several hours and vacuum it up. Take your time, if necessary go over some sections several times. Baking soda is a powerful natural neutraliser that absorbs the unpleasant smells completely.
These tips will certainly help you transform the carpets into a safe area, however, don’t forget to vacuum them thoroughly several times per week. Placing a doormat is another smart solution. If all of your members use it, your carpets won’t become dusty in a short period of time.
*This is a guest post from Nicole Gardiner. Thanks Nicole!