Secret Revealed! Asian Secrets Lulur Indonesian Whitening Facial Scrub

What a long title I know. Haha! But believe me, it really is a secret revealed! I personally don’t exfoliate my face every week. That’s just me, I’m lazy like that and somehow I always think of “old school” facial scrubs. I remember the beads were a little big that these may result to micro-tears.
But of course, we all want that glowing youthful skin. Glowing skin is a product of healthy living and a disciplined skin care regimen. There’s no better way to start your path to gorgeous skin than exercise, proper nutrition, constant hydration, applying sunscreen & moisturizing lotion and regular exfoliation.
Removing dead skin cells will not only give your skin a healthy glow, it also keeps skin clean, helps unclog pores to let skin breathe, reduce acne outbreaks as well as allow moisturizing products to penetrate better and be more effective.

Following the success of Asian Secrets Lulur Whitening Body Scrub is Asian Secrets Lulur Whitening Facial Scrub, another breakthrough whitening scrub by Asian Secrets, now specially formulated for the face.

Asian Secrets Lulur scrubs are inspired by a most luxurious ritual used by Indonesian royalty called Lulur, originally intended for the bride-to-be to beautify, smoothen, and whiten her skin before her wedding day. Lulur originated from the royal palaces of Java, Indonesia and products inspired by this traditional treatment are still used by Indonesian women, and in specialty spas today.  

A tried and tested beauty secret, many users of Asian Secrets Lulur Whitening Body Scrub have been clamoring for something that will give them the same effect on their face. Because the skin on the face is more sensitive and requires special attention, Asian Secrets has come up with a formulation that is more delicate and yet equally effective in whitening and smoothening facial skin.

Asian Secrets Lulur Whitening Facial Scrub contains Bengkoang (Yam Bean in English or Singkamas in Filipino), a traditional Indonesian whitening ingredient. Bengkoang extract has natural whitening properties and can make skin look brighter and more radiant, plus contains vitamins C & E which are known as antioxidants that can fight harmful pollution from the environment to keep skin healthy.
Similar to the body scrub, it contains Lulur beads that gently exfoliate and remove dead skin cells to smoothen and give skin a radiant glow. It moisturizes and leaves skin with a light fragrant scent. 

Don’t worry you don’t have to exfoliate everyday. In fact, exfoliating once or twice a week will help you achieve silky, smooth skin. If you have oily skin, exfoliate more than once a week. A whitening exfoliant allows its whitening properties to penetrate your skin,to further make your skin radiant, so you can look your best, whatever time of the day. 

Why use Asian Secrets Lulur Whitening Facial Scrub?
Using Asian Secrets Lulur Whitening Facial Scrub just 2-3x a week lightens the skin, making it fairer and whiter.  Women of all ages, especially busy women who are juggling family and household responsibilities have little time to go to the spa for pampering and beauty indulgences.  Asian Secrets makes it easy and affordable to get that pampered glow right at home with Asian Secrets Lulur Facial Scrub.
  1. Lulur beads gently exfoliate and remove dead skin cells to smoothen and give it a radiant glow.
  2. It also moisturizes and leaves skin with a light fragrant scent.
  3. Frequent usage lightens the skin, making it fairer and whiter.
Here’s how to use it:
  1. Put a small amount on your finger tips
  2. Apply on dry face and massage in a gentle circular motion avoiding the eye area
  3. Rinse with water
  4. Use every other day for maximum results
What I LIKE:
  • I personally love that it’s so light.
  • The Lulur beads are so tiny and smooth that it doesn’t hurt at all!

  • I also love the scent. It smells so refreshing and clean.
  • It’s readily available. 
  • It’s very affordable at Php70 for a 50g tube while a 100g  tube retails for Php120.
  • It comes in a squeeze tube so it’s travel friendly.
  • Honestly there’s none.

I have tried so many different facial scrubs and exfoliants, and currently this is at the top of my list. It makes my skin feel so smooth and it feels so moisturized. I have bumps on my nose, but this product definitely takes care of those. It’s so gentle on the face that I don’t feel any pricking. It even relaxed me when I exfoliate my skin. It feels like I’m in the spa, having a facial. Oh and did I mention I love the scent? I highly suggest you try this product yourself and see how it works for you. 🙂


3 out of 3 Schnauzers

Disclaimer: Product is given by the company. All information written are based on my experience and are my 100% honest opinion.

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