It's about time we move to another fun activity. We did a lot of research prior to going to Baguio. Since we were already in Camp John Hay, we went to a Historical Trail. It was P30.00 per person and it was fun fun fun.
Here are some highlights:
Btw, before I continue with the photos, there's also a "negativity cemetery". I didn't take photos because I was a bit creeped out. Haha! Basically, there were figurines which were symbols of negativity and they were buried there. Something like that. Haha! I didn't really pay much attention since I was quite scared. Hehe! :)
Heads of the generals during American period in the Philippines.
Here are some highlights:
Btw, before I continue with the photos, there's also a "negativity cemetery". I didn't take photos because I was a bit creeped out. Haha! Basically, there were figurines which were symbols of negativity and they were buried there. Something like that. Haha! I didn't really pay much attention since I was quite scared. Hehe! :)
Heads of the generals during American period in the Philippines.

Our accomodation during our stay in Baguio..... not! Haha! :p

This is near the Bell Amphitheater.
I felt one with nature... really. And I loved every minute of the trail!
Here is the Bell Amphitheater.
Even though we were so tired because of the hiking that we did, we had so much fun! We took so many photos and I just chose some pics to post here.
P30.00? It was totally worth it!!!!! It was fun trekking, taking photos, reading historical facts, visiting my favorite Bell House. :)